- Blake Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine5 Market Square Ste B6, Amesbury, MA 01913(781) 269-2849
Clinic Hours | Amesbury, MA
Tue11:00a - 07:00pWed11:00a - 07:00pThu11:00a - 07:00pSunClosedOther times available by appointment. Please email.
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Tag Archives: allergies
Five Acupuncture Points for Spring
Spring is the season of growth, regeneration, increased activity and new beginnings. During the season of spring, people experience many changes. Allergies, high blood pressure, headaches, sinus pain and congestion, anger, irritation and tendon problems are just some of the issues common to the spring months. Many of these problems can be attributed to increased wind in the environment.
Posted in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Also tagged anger, congestion, headaches, high blood pressure, irritation, sinus pain
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Does Your Liver Need a Spring Tune-Up?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, each season is ruled by a particular organ system and spring is connected to the liver. What does this mean? Well, you probably notice changes in the way you feel, both physically and mentally, as the seasons change. I know I tend to feel a bit more contemplative and introspective during the winter months. Once
7 Reasons to Seek Out Acupuncture
Do you ever feel your life’s a ride that won’t ever stop? How many nights do you wait for Mr. Sandman to magically appear? How often do you truly take time for yourself? Do you have aches and pains almost daily? Are over-the-counter or prescription medications controlling your life? When was the last time you actually felt at peace?
Posted in Acupuncture, Allergies, Anxiety, Depression, Migraines, Pain
Also tagged anxiety, depression, medicine, menstruation, pain
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